Little Miss Ada, You're so grown up and cute! You're playful and fun, you make cute noises and cute faces, and you're just brimming with personality. You are a charmer, and you put on the best shows for people -- that's why other people often think you're just always happy! (Which you're not haha . . . you can definitely be super whiny and demanding!) You are so much fun, and it never ceases to amaze me just how much I love you. Sometimes I watch you (on the video monitor) while you sleep and I'm just overcome with love for you. You're my baby girl and for that, I'm so glad! Stats 21 pounds even (48%) 30.25 inches (40%) Size 3 diapers (leaking at night though, so I'm going to buy size 4 for nights the next time I go to the store) Mostly 9-12 month clothes Words In addition to "hi," "mama," and "dada," which you were saying at 12 months, you now say: woah night night yay nana (banana) baby Mil...