2017 list
Last year, I made a giant list of things I could do throughout the year. The idea was to choose just one item to work on each month so that by the end of the year I would have 12 concrete things I could say I accomplished. Well . . . it didn't go very well. I only did like four things. So I'm bringing back the list for 2017. We'll see how it goes this year! Cut back on social media usage Focus on consistency Come up with a meal-planning strategy Pick an annual party to throw Try something new Read a book Go skinny dipping Throw a dinner party for friends Do karaoke Join a sports team Splurge on something that will last me years Go on a cross-country road trip Attend a major sporting event Take a class that’s totally out of my element, like improv, golf, or pottery-making Unplug for a full day, or maybe even a full weekend or week Say yes for an entire week Learn to drive stick Take a photography class Learn to can food Do Whole30 Pay for the per...