
Showing posts from August, 2017

ada charlotte {11 months}

My Ada, It's amazing how much changes in the course of a month. At the beginning of the month, you were timidly crawling, moving only four paces or so before collapsing. Now you are zooming all over the place and it's both crazy and fun! :) You were also making faces and noises at the beginning of the month that you've since moved on from. You're just bound and determined to grow up, aren't you? ;) Sometimes I wish for the past -- to hold your tiny cuddly self and really enjoy every moment instead of stressing (I thought that in the moment, too, but I just couldn't figure out how to wish away that stress!); sometimes I wish for the future -- to hear the funny things you'll say as a toddler, to have you able to communicate in WORDS what's upsetting you, to see the kind of human you'll become. But I try to live in the present moment, enjoying every new thing as it comes and soaking you in at every age you are :) I just love you, my girl. I'...

25 dreams and desires

via On an episode of The Life Coach School that I recently listened to (if you haven't started listening,  what are you waiting for?! ), Brooke talked about  dreams and desires . There were three things that stood out to me: Adults often forget to dream. This is because as soon as we think about a possibility, our brain immediately counters with doubt. So if you say, "I'd really love to go to Italy!" Your brain will immediately ask where the money for that is going to come from. And if you don't push back against your brain, you'll just decide to give up that dream (rather than finding creative ways to get more money). You have to decide to honor your dreams/desires instead of honoring your doubts if you want to actually pursue those dreams and desires. You don't have to justify your desires to anyone else. People are always going to judge, and you can't control other people, so don't try to. Just make sure that YOU like your reasons for you...


I've had friends do Questival in years past, but I never really understood what it was. So when my sis-in-law Anya asked if any of the family wanted to do it with her for her birthday, I was curious and interested to finally find out what all the fuss was about. Our team consisted of Anya and her son Noah, my brother Brandon and sis-in-law Amy, Russ & myself, and at the last minute, Anya's brother Matt joined in. Questival is called a "24-hour scavenger hunt," but I don't think scavenger hunt accurately reflects what it is, because you're not looking for something. Instead, you have a giant list (350+) of activities/tasks you can do for varying point values, and the goal is to get as many points as possible, since the winner is the one with the most points. (But there were 600+ teams when we did Questival, so we weren't really trying to  win,  but we were trying to get as many points as possible.) We started out full throttle and were doing task...