2017 year in review
idk why the quality looks so bad! original files at the end of the post photo credit for all photos: Brandon Petersen (my brother) What a year 2017 has been! We have loved further settling in to our little family of three. As Russ put it the other night, we fit perfectly together as a family J Ada is the joy of our lives. We think every little thing she does is the absolute cutest. Our big baby grew into a small toddler (around 35%) who, at 14 months, can still fit into a few of her 0-3 month onesies (though they’re tight)! We celebrated her first birthday in September with a “ donut grow up ” themed party. She didn’t follow that admonition though – she insists on continuing to grow! She now has four teeth and many skills. Lately she’s climbing down stairs and taking quite a few steps. She’ll probably be a full-time walker by the end of the month. She loves giving high-fives, blowing kisses, and clapping, and she recently started giving hugs around the n...