in 2017 i . . . did something exciting with my hair . . . again!

A few months ago, I mentioned that I wanted to do something new and exciting to my hair (for my 2017 list), but that I wasn't quite ready to chop it off. So at that time, I added a peek-a-boo streak. However, when it came time for another haircut (I got haircuts about every 3 months while I had it long), I decided I was 100% ready for the chop!

I love how it turned out and I LOVE HAVING SHORT HAIR AGAIN. Seriously. It's so much easier to deal with, it takes practically NO TIME to do it, and it's even long enough that it still fits in a little ponytail. 

I loved having long hair while I did, but I am so excited to be back to short hair :)


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