in 2017 i . . . found a "thing" that is mine and my mom's

As much as I love being a stay-at-home mom, I was getting a bit stir crazy staying home all the time (especially since I did a lot more of that back in the day when Ada was not napping well. I was trying to be super consistent, which meant I never left the house 😩 ). I needed to find ways to get out of the house.

I also still had a big stack of pictures to scrapbook -- not only is record-keeping important to me, but I also really enjoy the creative aspect of scrapbooking.

Additionally, as evidenced by my 2016 and 2017 lists, I wanted to find a way to spend consistent time with my mom.

So I decided to kill three birds with one stone. I asked my mom if we could set up a weekly date for scrapbooking: no calls, no distractions -- just a few hours of time to be together scrapbooking and talking.

We've been doing it almost all year, and I've loving it! I love having at least one day a week where I know I'll be leaving the house, I love getting my pictures organized and archived, and I love getting to spend some time with my mom. So far, she hasn't been getting much scrapbooking done (she always has a million things going on in her life, so she'll work on other tasks in the scrapbook room), so the plan isn't working out exactly like I wanted it to (I was trying to give her a concrete block of time to scrapbook for her sake, too -- she's in the same boat as me, wanting to get her whole life scrapbooked!), but it's at least fulfilling my three needs as mentioned above. Scrapbook day is usually my favorite day of the week :)

Additionally, I finished scrapbooking all of the pictures that I had printed (I printed over 500 about two years ago, and finally got through the last of them!), so I was able to move on to a different task on my 2017 list -- "Organize/print ALL photos from 2006-2014." I knew I had mostly done that when I printed the 500, but I combed through all of my pictures and caught any stragglers, finding myself a surprising 220 more pictures to scrapbook! But I also quickly got through those pictures as a result of these weekly dates with my mom, so I've now moved on to doing photo books starting with the year 2015 (which I'm LOVING, by the way, and using Mixbook because of this blog post, in case you're curious). Things go much more quickly doing photo books though, so idk what I'll do once I catch up, but I know I'll keep these weekly dates with my mom no matter what activity we do because, like I said, it's one of my favorite days of the week :)


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