mother's day & birthday

It would be great if we could all be like people in movies who say and do just the right things at just the right time. (Although I guess people in movies also say and do just the wrong things sometimes, too, so maybe movies are more like real life than I think!) However, people are all just different, with different strengths and different weaknesses.

As much as I love Russ, last year I realized that celebrating birthdays and special events is not one of his strengths. So rather than expect him to completely change and be someone else who is inherently super great at those types of celebrations, this year I sort of laid out exactly what I wanted and needed for my birthday and Mother's Day, and it went much better. A few days before, I sent him an email detailing my expectations regarding both my birthday and Mother's Day, this year and in future years. Sure, that takes out some of the fun and excitement that the surprise element would bring, but that's okay; this will work better for us, at least for now :)

On Friday, he brought flowers when he came home from work. I grew up hearing that flowers were kind of a waste of money because they just die, but as I've become an adult, I decided I don't care that flowers die. They're pretty and I like them, so it is nice anytime I receive them :)

On Saturday, he took care of Ada for several hours while I got lunch and mani/pedis with my friend. This wasn't on my list of expectations, and this isn't out of the ordinary. Russ is a great dad, and he is always willing to take care of Ada for several hours while I leave the house (whether for fun or errands) on a Saturday. But nonetheless, I definitely appreciated him for letting me do that :)

On Sunday, Ada was so nice to me! She slept in until 7:10 -- about an hour later than she usually does. She also took a great first nap! This meant she was happy all morning :) She was also just sweet and a even bit snuggly! :) Her second nap was supposed to start immediately following Sacrament Meeting, so I worried she'd get fussy during the meeting, but she was really good! She was content to chill in my arms for a while, and then she laid on the bench and played with a binky. She was so smiley and cute :)

Russ made me breakfast -- scrambled eggs and hash browns -- and later gave up a nap to take care of Ada so I could shower and get ready for church. After church, he worked on dinner and took care of Ada while I took a nap because I was just so sleepy! For dinner, he made steak and baked potatoes (sweet for me, white for him) per my request. It tasted soooo good to me, and Ada seemed to like the potatoes (both varieties) as well :)

After dinner, we took some pics and went on a quick family walk before it was Ada's bedtime.

After she went to bed, Russ brought me a gift and a card. The gift was measuring cups (which is what I asked for this year haha). It was really sweet because he said he "got the nicer ones because I'm worth it" haha :) The card was also very sweet :)

Next we played a game together, and then we just cuddled and talked for a while. We actually cuddled til almost midnight since we both fell asleep haha :)

There was no BIG fanfare surrounding the day, but I got everything I really wanted -- a day off and quality time with my family :)


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